SSC3100 Spreader Control
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Simple, manual spreading is what the SSC3100 spreader control is designed to do. Engineered and manufactured by FORCE America, this powerful yet conveniently simple controller gives you the functionality you need with an ease of operation.
A simple, powerful solution ready for action. Features include:
- Proportional controls for granular and liquid applications
- Minimum and maximum settings adjustable through the calibration mode
- Preconfigured to spread on initial power-up
- Optional groundspeed interrupt
- Compact design at 4.46" H x 6.09" W x 2.75" D
- LEDs around the dial illuminate numbers as rates increase
- Fuse accessible from the outside of the controller
- One simple harness for effortless installation
- Fully adjustable mounting option for easy, customizable installation
- Simple calibration mode for adjusting minimums and maximums
- Control liquids independently of granular for direct liquid applications using the dedicated Liquid dial
Installation Drawings: